Show/hide elements based on the device, operating system, or browser that a visitor is using. Also works with and/or statements!
Will only show on mobile devices and small tablets, regardless of the operating system.
Will hide on mobile devices and small tablets, regardless of the operating system.
Will show on tablets, regardless of the operating system.
Will hide on tablets, regardless of the operating system.
Will show on laptops, desktops, and any larger device, regardless of the operating system.
Will hide on desktops/large devices, regardless of the operating system.
Will show on any device which is in landscape orientation.
Will show on any device which is in portrait orientation.
Will show on all devices running iOS - iPhones, iPads, and iPods.
Will hide on all devices running iOS - iPhones, iPads, and iPods.
Will show on all devices running an android operating system.
Will hide on all devices running an android operating system.
While we're only showing the positive attributes (without a "!"), you can add the exclamation mark and it will still work as you intend it to!
Will show for anyone using a Chromium-based browser.
Will show for anyone using a Internet Explorer.
When specifying your rules in the attribute values, you can use "&" to create an "and" rule (ex. If the device is MacOS AND is using Opera as a browser), and you can use "|" to create an "or" rule (ex. If the device is Linux OR Windows).